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Laron Smith


Welcome to the Pelham City Schools Website!  This website is here to provide you with information about our schools!  As you navigate through it, use it to find out more about your schools and upcoming school events.  Peruse our revised Strategic Plan under the “Parent Information” tab. 

As your Superintendent, I take great pride in welcoming everyone back to school for this school year.  During the summer, our Board Members, Administrators, Teachers, and Staff have been engaged in professional development training and making plans to prepare for the new school year.  This year will be one like no other.  However, we will always consider the safety of our students our utmost priority.   

We are working to fulfill our mission, “A Commitment to Educational Excellence Every Day in Every Way.”  I believe that your support for our educational programs, athletic programs, band, cheerleaders, FFA, and other extra curricula activities and your support and attendance at graduation, school functions, athletic events, Board Meetings, and the Community “Working Work Sessions” have been catalysts for us to implement change and improve our schools.  In the future, we will continue to improve on existing programs and activities.  We will continue our work to be the school system in South West Georgia where parents want to send their children, “The School System of Choice.”  We will work toward a community slogan where parents will say, “If you are not going to Pelham, you should be.”  

I ask that everyone remember that Pelham IS a “Special Place!”  As we go forward, I will continue to do all I can on behalf of the Pelham City Schools to make Pelham even more special in the eyes of our Community, the Region and the State.  Again, our goal is to make Pelham City Schools the School System of “Choice” for this entire area.  We will strive to improve upon our successes while continuing to offer a wide array of academic, athletic and extra curricula programs. 

In closing, the opportunity to be here in Pelham is an honor that my family and I cherish.  As your Superintendent, I know that if our entire community, faculty, staff, students, and parents commit to the mission then we will truly see Pelham City Schools reach its full potential where every student will graduate ready for college or a career.  I can assure you that the education and welfare of your children will always be my priority.   Working together as a family, we can and we will make this year a very special year for all of us.

I look forward to another great year here in Pelham City Schools.  Please use this website to find out more about your schools and upcoming school events.

If ever I can be of assistance, do not hesitate to call upon me.  Go Hornets!

Laron Smith
Pelham City Schools