COVID – 19 Protocols
Revised, August 2023
All parents and community members know that the COVID – 19 Delta variant virus is running rampant through our community. Therefore, first and foremost, the Pelham City Schools Charter System Board of Education members highly recommend that all faculty and staff members and eligible students (5 years and older) get vaccinated for COVID – 19. We are living in a very volatile time concerning the spread of this virus. As your superintendent, my priority is to assure you that our faculty and staff members are doing all we can to provide a healthy and safe environment for our students and faculty members while on our school campuses. In addition, our goal is to keep our schools open as long as we have healthy faculty and staff members to provide an effective school day.
Recommended COVID procedures
○ Increase communication efforts (class and schoolwide notifications)
○ Faculty and students will be expected to use hand sanitizer in and out of buildings, classrooms, offices, and buses
○ Faculty and students will be expected to utilize social distancing (3 feet or more) to the extent possible
○ All students, faculty and staff members will be highly encouraged to wear masks in all inside areas and buses especially if not vaccinated. However, masks are not required.
○ We will continue to contact trace (3 feet for 15 minutes or longer) for positive exposures
○ We will notify parents of those in close contact by phone (email if all numbers cannot be reached)
○ Reinstate additional safety measures (structured hallway transitions, limited visitors, social distancing)
For individuals testing positive
○ Positive cases will be sent home according to DPH guidance
○ Positive cases will be reported to the Department of Public Health
○ Absences for students with COVID will be excused
Quarantine procedures
o Students, Faculty, and Staff members will be required to quarantine if it is determined through contact tracing that the individual was exposed to a positive person within 3 feet for a total of 15 minutes if the student(s) was not wearing a mask
o Students, Faculty, and Staff members that have been vaccinated will not be required to quarantine unless they are having symptoms
o Students, Faculty and Staff members who correctly wear a mask and are asymptomatic are not required to quarantine if exposed to a positive person
Masks will continue to be offered for those individuals that ask. In the event that COVID-19 positive cases increase, the Pelham Board of Education reserves the right to mandate the wearing of masks and in the schools and buses.