Pelham City Schools
CIPA: Internet Policy
This policy has been adopted continuously to provide students and teachers with guidelines for use of the internet.
Use of the internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the school system. The Internet is currently being filtered through a Internet filtration device.
Internet Safety:
The superintendent shall, with respect to any computers belonging to the Pelham City School system and having access to the internet:
Ensure that a qualifying “Technology Protection Measure,” as that term is defined in section 1703(b)(1) of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000, is installed and in continuous operation.
Institute, maintain and enforce procedures or guidelines which provide for monitoring the online activities of users and the use of the chosen technology protection measure to prevent access to visual depictions that are (i) obscene, (ii) child pornography, or (iii) “harmful to minors,” as that term is defined in section 1721© of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000
The Superintendent shall, with respect to access to the Internet by or through computers, networks, or other devices belonging to the Pelham City School system, institute, maintain and enforce procedures or guidelines which:
1.) Provide for monitoring the online activities of users to limit, to the extent practicable, access by minors to inappropriate matter on the internet and the World Wide Web;
2.) Are designed to promote the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications;
3.) Are designed to prevent unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking” and other unauthorized activities by minors online;
4.) Are designed to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; and
5.) Are designed to restrict minors’ access to materials “harmful to minors,” as that term is defined in section 1721© of the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000
Pelham City School Policy on Internet Access:
Internet users are expected to use the internet as an educational resource. The following procedures and guidelines are used to help ensure appropriate use of the Internet at Pelham City Schools.
Student Expectations in Use of the Internet:
1.) Students shall not access material that is obscene, pornographic, child pornography, “harmful to minors,” or otherwise inappropriate for educational uses.
2.) Students shall not use school resources to engage in “hacking” or attempts to otherwise compromise system security.
3.) Students shall not engage in any illegal activities on the internet.
4.) Students shall only use electronic mail and other forms of electronic communications for school related purposes.
5.) Students shall not disclose personal information, such as name, school, address, and telephone number outside of the school network.
6.) Students shall not download files and/or programs from the internet.
Any violation of school policy and rules may result in loss of school-provided access to the internet. Additional disciplinary action may be determined in keeping with existing procedures and practices regarding inappropriate language or behavior. When and where applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
Staff expectations in use of the Internet
1.) Staff shall not access material that is obscene or is pornographic of any sort.
2.) Staff shall only use electronic mail and other forms of electronic communication for school related purposes.
3.) Staff shall not download files and/or programs from the Internet.
4.) Any violation of school policy may result in loss of school provided access to the Internet. Additional disciplinary action may be determined in keeping with existing procedures and practices. When and where applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
Enforcement of Policy:
A.) Pelham City Schools uses a technology protection measure. This protection measure blocks or filters access to some internet sites that are not in accordance with the policy of Pelham City Schools.
B.) Pelham City School’s staff will monitor students’ use of the Internet, through either direct supervision, or by monitoring Internet use history, to ensure enforcement of the policy.
C.) Pelham City School’s students cannot access the Internet without direct supervision of Pelham City School’s staff.